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The Secret Copywriting: How To Create A High Converting Landing Page?

In this landing page copywriting guide article, you're going to learn a simple four-step formula for

writing high converting landing page copy timestamp table of contents in the description along some other helpful videos to walk you through how how to put together your landing page how to choose your landing page software how to come up with your lead magnet all that other fun stuff here we're gonna zero in and focus in on writing your copy.

But before we get into that four step formula there are three keys to landing page success that's going to set us up to make sure that we write good copy in the very first key is remembering that a landing page is designed to do one thing.

And one thing only collect someone's contact information in exchange for a lead magnet or value and the key here is making sure that there are no external links on your landing page at all and with this focus the second key to success is making sure that your entire landing page is not about you, it's not about your offer.

it's not about your company, it's not about your client.
it's about the visitor it's about the user the prospect and you're going to see how using this simple four step formula
ensures that we stay really focused on who your ideal customer is just remember that it's all about the visitor not
about what's being offered on the landing page now the third key to success has to do with focus again and you'll notice a trend here.

With these keys focus focus focus just one thing on the landing page you need to have one offer you need to be talking about one specific problem and you need to be talking to one specific person copy that tries to speak to everyone winds up connecting with no one so with that let's go ahead and jump into the very first step of our four step process for crafting our copy for our landing page and that is our prospect who is our ideal customer.

Because at the end of the day copyist designed to connect with someone else on a deeper level then hopefully your competitors are and in order to do this you need to cool your picture of who you're talking to right

Foundation for our copywriting and in

this particular step we want to know

what is the big result that your ideal

customer prospects are after and then

what are the roadblocks or what are the

perceived roadblocks or problems that

are in their way and so you'll want to

spend twenty to thirty minutes just kind

of answering these questions and of

course I'll go through an example so you

can see what this actually looks like

for our example here we're going to be

using YouTube so for what the heck do

they want or what is the big result well

they probably want to grow their channel

they want to make more money and maybe

eventually quit their job so that they

can do what they like on YouTube

full-time okay great then that's an all

you need for some results obviously

you'd go a little deeper when you're

creating the rest of your funnel but for

now we'll just stick with this simple

example now the next part of course is

the roadblocks well what do they think

is getting in the way of that dream of

having an awesome channel that allows

them to wake up whenever they want and

quit their day job well they probably

want to know how to rank videos maybe

they're not happy with their subscriber

growth maybe they think their video

quality stinks they just don't

understand whether they're not getting

enough views which means they're not

getting enough eyeballs to their videos

which means there's not enough people to

hit that subscribe button in the first

place and so these would be all the

roadblocks that we want to address as

we're writing our landing page copies so

that someone who's trying to grow a

YouTube channel would come and see okay

they're talking about growing a channel

that's what I want and they're talking

about poor ranking and they're talking

about poor video quality or they're

talking about not getting views that's

exactly my problem maybe these people

can help and that's what you want to

invoke in whoever hits your landing page

so the very first part of course of your

landing page is the headline the most

important part so now that we've laid

the foundation we're done with step

number one step number two is creating

as many headlines as possible because

you're going to want to do something

called split testing which essentially

means you're going to keep trying

headlines until you find one that really

works most landing page software's will

allow you to do this now when it comes

to writing your headline there are a lot

of formulas we can look at but there are

only two that you need to start with how

to result without hard part and then how

to result even if and all these two

formulas are doing is essentially saying

hey you can get the result that you want


your channel losing weight making money

in the stock market without waking up

early going to the gym 20 times a week

making 50 videos a day and so we want to

ease the burden of whatever the result

is going to be so here's some examples

of how we can take our results and our

roadblocks and slap them together in

these formulas so the very first one is

how to grow your channel without getting

lots of views so we're saying hey you

can grow your channel but you don't have

to get a ton of use to do it moving down

here we're using the same result except

this time we're saying you don't have to

improve the quality of your videos now

this next one we're kind of switching

things out a little bit and just talking

about to perceived roadblocks where

we're saying how you can get more views

which is overcoming a roadblock without

having a lot of subscribers because a

lot of new youtubers think the only way

they're going to get views is if they

have subscribers but of course you can't

get subscribers unless you had a lot of

views in the first place for those views

to turn into subscriber so it's kind of

like a chicken and the egg thing and so

we want to really make it clear that hey

you don't have to you don't have to have

either one of those we can solve that

problem and that's really what your

headlines are designed to do so let's

quickly run through the rest of them

here how to rank your videos even if you

have a small channel and then how to get

views to your videos to accelerate your

channel growth and you want to spend 10

to 20 minutes to just rapid-fire write

down as many as possible the goal here

is not to have anything polished you can

even write half sentences just anything

that pops in your head write it down and

what this will allow you to do is have a

nice library of things to test and then

as you go through your testing you'll

actually go back and go oh you know what

this type of headline is actually

working a lot better than this type of

headline but you don't want to be

critical at this point because we don't

know which headline is going to perform

the best now once you're done with that

10 to 20 minutes of brainstorming of

course you'll want to choose - - -

you'll want to choose two that you think

are the best and those are the two

headlines that you're going to start

with so now that we have your headlines

let's go ahead and talk about the next

part which is your call to action button

now your call to action button is the

button on the page that someone's going

to click when the opt-in form pops up or

when they submit the opt-in form if you

don't have a pop-up now

there are a couple things we can do with

this button but you don't want to get

too fancy because then the button is

going to be super long and take up the

entire page so in this particular

instance let's say we're offering a

webinar or we're offering some sort of

PDF so our call-to-action button could

simply be register now or download the

guide now or we can get a little fancy

and say grow your channel today or rank

my videos today so you're tying the

results that they want or you're tying a

problem that they want solved to

clicking the button now you don't want

to go overboard with this right you do

want to keep it nice and short because

you want that button to be short you

don't want that button to have so much

text that it spans the entire page and

I'm sure you've seen these types of

pop-ups where you're trying to exit a

site and it asks you it has the button

and says yes I want to XYZ ABC blah blah

blah and then underneath it it goes no I

think I'm okay I you know hate my life

or something stupid like that you

definitely don't want to do that on your

landing page and the reason you don't

want to do that is you just want it to

be realistic now that we have our call

to action we have our headline it's time

for what is typically the hard part

which is the bullet points now the

bullet points simply allow you to take a

deeper dive into whatever the headline

is talking about and so this just

reinforces the headline this is for

those type a people who want to know

okay but really specifically what are

you giving me like what am I gonna be

able to do once I get whatever you're

offering me that's what we're doing here

and we don't have to be super

complicated and it is important to note

that while you can make crazy claims you

do want to have a nice balance of you're

gonna be able to do all this awesome

stuff but it does need to be believable

so if you're offering a PDF and you say

hey you're gonna quit your job in two

days like that's it's that's probably

pretty unreasonable so we do want to

make sure that our results are still in

reality so here are a couple bullet

point formulas how to result without

work roadblock you'll notice that that's

pretty much the same as a headline a

simple strategy for action without

roadblock a single blank that will

finally give you a clear path to

whatever the result is a little known

secret for achieving a result instant

access to and this is where you're going

to name the offer or you

the mechanism of what if you have some

sort of proprietary formula or name for

something so you can and then of course

break through the roadblock solve a

problem or maybe you go to the number

one reason you're not getting the result

that you're looking for is and then fill

in the blank with something that they're

doing that's completely wrong and of

course finally if you have any myths in

your niche or industry you can say you

don't have to and then fill in the blank

with something that is common knowledge

or practice like you don't have to hit

the gym five days a week to lose 200

pounds I don't I don't know something

something to that effect obviously not

silly like that but something where

you're kind of being counter to whatever

the norm of information is in your niche

so let's go through what these would

look like if we actually did it for

example trying to help someone grow a

YouTube channel the first one here had

to accelerate channel growth which is

our result without what's the road block

in this particular instance we told we

said getting a new camera which

represents bad video quality the next

one here a simple strategy for

attracting new subscribers that's tied

directly to growing a channel without

getting more views so you can kind of

see how you don't necessarily take

word-for-word what your results and

roadblocks are you do need to do a

little bit of thinking sometimes the

next one is a little known secret to

ranking videos I think that's one of the

simplest ones on this list so here we

have monetization playbook and part-time

income is both representing the result

that they want but all we've done is

give a name to whatever the guide or

blueprint or formula is for monetization

and so instead of just saying learn how

to monetize your channel or learn how to

make more money we give whatever our

secret proprietary sauce or formula is

an actual name and so it can elevate the

perceived value of what we're offering

and the final one we have here is a

little mean but the number one reason

you're not getting views is your videos

are all wrong and with that you have

your headline you have your call to

action text and you have your bullet

points of course there's a timestamp

table of contents in the description so

you can skip around the video and pause

while you write your own landing page

copy the last two elements of your

landing page of course is going to be

some sort of graphic that represents

whatever your offer is and then

you have any testimonials or you have

any media outlet logos you can go ahead

and include those for some social proof

but that's not really part of the

copywriting part so thank you so much

for watching I sincerely hope you got

some value out of this video and you

have a much better idea of how to write

copy for your landing page go and hit

that like button and subscribe for more

in depth marketing tactics and

strategies just like the ones covered in

this video comment below if you have any

questions and as always keep building

the business you love
